The safest way to get your body back. No surgery. No downtime.

CoolSculpting® is the safe & easy way to eliminate stubborn fat in those hard-to-lose areas*. No special diet, no special exercise program, no supplements.


*Up to 20-25% reduction in fat layer thickness after a single session. Results are typically seen 2-6 months or more after treatment.


 Why You Should Choose CoolSculpting

Freeze Fat Your Away Permanently

After CoolSculpting®, most patients can go to yoga or do a light workout the same day. There’s no downtime and no surgery. Here’s why you should choose CoolSculpting:


Noticeable results after one treatment

Many patients see a 20% fat reduction in the treated area after just one treatment*. With over 7 million successful treatments, CoolSculpting has helped millions of people safely erase stubborn fat.

Reduce stubborn fat for good →


Kickstart your diet and exercise plans

Because CoolSculpting freezes the fat cells, it works when diets and exercise plans fail. Whether you are planning a vacation or simply want to look your best, CoolSculpting gets results while also kickstarting your diet and exercise plans*.

Eliminate stubborn fat now →


Fat elimination, not weight loss

CoolSculpting® is not a weight loss treatment - it is a fat elimination treatment. This means that once the fat cells are destroyed, they don’t come back*.

Get results that last with CoolSculpting →

*Results may vary

 About CoolSculpting®

Target specific areas and eliminate fat cells for good

Using proven technology with over 7 million successful treatments, CoolSculpting® is easiest and most effective way to lose fat in hard-to-lose areas*. 

(*results may vary)


CoolSculpting Results Speak for Themselves


Meet the Timeless Health MD Founder

Dr. Edward Tangchitnob

As a highly skilled gynecologic and cosmetic surgeon, Edward Tangchitnob, MD, provides gentle and effective care for patients throughout the Los Angeles area at Tangchitnob MD in West Covina, California.

Dr. Tangchitnob is passionate about educating his patients about their bodies and their health. He helps patients understand their health needs so they can make better-informed choices and take more control over their health and wellness.

Time to get that body back

Schedule a free, no obligation consultation

To get started or to learn more information, fill out the form and our team will be in touch with you to schedule a free consultation.

✓ No downtime and no surgery

✓ Helps freeze fat in stubborn areas

✓ Noticeable results in as little as one treatment session

By filling out this form, you certify that Tangchitnob, MD can text, call or email you regarding CoolSculpting information.


 Frequently Asked Questions

  • ➕Are there financing options for CoolSculpting®?

    Yes! We offer affordable financing options that allow you to pay for your CoolSculpting treatments over time.

  • ➕How does CoolSculpting® work?

    The CoolSculpting fat-freezing procedure is the only FDA-cleared, non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise. The results are proven, noticeable, and lasting—so you'll look great from every angle.

  • ➕When will I see results from CoolSculpting®?

    You may start to see changes as quickly as 3 weeks after your treatment, and will experience the most dramatic results after 2 months. Your body will still continue to flush out fat cells for up to 4 to 6 months after treatment. The Before & After gallery shows what results look like several weeks after CoolSculpting treatment.

  • ➕Is CoolSculpting® safe?

    Yes, very safe. With over 7 million successful treatments, CoolSculpting is the safest and most effective fat elimination treatment.

  • ➕Am I a candidate for CoolSculpting®?

    The CoolSculpting fat-reduction procedure is specially designed for those who have unwanted fat in targeted areas. Unlike weight-loss surgery (e.g., gastric bypass), the CoolSculpting procedure is not a weight-loss solution for people who are obese. Good candidates for the CoolSculpting procedure have noticeable bulges in certain areas they’d like to get rid of (Results may vary). Many people want a non-surgical alternative to liposuction.

  • ➕How long is the CoolSculpting® treatment?

    Your CoolSculpting physician will help you create an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific goals. The length of your CoolSculpting treatment will vary depending on the number of areas being treated during one visit. The latest technology of CoolSculpting can treat a patient in 35-60 minutes, some patients have more than one treatment during the same office visit. Some practices even have multiple CoolSculpting systems and applicators, so it’s possible for a patient to have multiple areas treated at once. You and your provider may also schedule additional treatments or office visits in order to meet your goals.

  • ➕Can CoolSculpting® reduce fat anywhere on my body?

    In the U.S., the CoolSculpting procedure is FDA-cleared for the treatment of visible fat bulges in the submental area, thigh, abdomen and flank, along with bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks (also known as banana roll), and upper arm. In China, the cryolipolysis system is used for fat layer reduction of the abdomen and flanks. In Taiwan, the CoolSculpting procedure is cleared for the breakdown of fat in the flank (love handle), abdomen, and thigh. Outside the U.S., China and Taiwan, the CoolSculpting procedure for non-invasive fat reduction is available worldwide.

  • ➕Can CoolSculpting® get rid of my double chin?

    Yes! The CoolSculpting procedure can treat visible fat bulges under the chin (submental) and jawline (submandibular). Freezing away fat from a double chin is as easy and tolerable as using the CoolSculpting procedure in other parts of the body (e.g., abdomen, flank/side, thighs). It is also FDA-cleared to affect the appearance of lax tissue with submental area treatments. With CoolSculpting treatment for a double chin, patients see results after just 1 to 2 visits (results may vary). And with no surgery, and little to no downtime.